
I'm Roxana Megyesi. A designer with keen interest and experience in architectural illustrations & graphic design. Recently I started to use AI to explore the power of this new technology and find a creative edge with AI.

Although I hold an architectural degree, with a post graduate degree in construction project management, I have gained abundant experience in urban design working mainly on large residential and mixed use developments. 

 My role also requires  strong graphic design and urban design input to draw up proposals, show design concept and design evolution. 

With over 10 years professional practise working in architectural consultancies I gained experience in urban design, masterplanning, layout design and held responsibility for all presentation and graphics involved in the planning project life cycle.

I am also confident to use hand drawings to spice up presentations if required, design layout and colour sketch or CAD proposals to suit the project and Client requirements. I am happy to extract information and carry out research on specific topics to feed into my design proposal, including graphics and  presentation material. I can manage complex projects and prioritise workload, happy to work in teams or hit targets on my own.

Most of my works introduced here show a variety of projects I have worked on recently.  These include Masterplans, Sketch Layouts, proposals for Character Areas, Street Scenes, Opportunities and Constraints and Parameter Plans, most of which plans also form part of the Design and Access Statements.

You can browse some of my works on this website, and view my CV on the link below.